Our partners are Way Makers. Together we make a way to create artistic experiences that empower positive life choices. Many lives have been touched with the gift of encouragement, personal growth and wellbeing as well as recieving life sustaining skills in positive decision making while navigating life through our partners generosity and support.

READY to become a WAY MAKER? YOU too CAN JOIN the Collective Motion family and make a way by SUPPORTING our mission.

Thank you for the years of continual support.

A special thank you to those Making a Way in 2018:

Partners and donars

Andrew Goodman Alice Bloch

Barb Shapiro Dan & Marion Sauer

Eric & Andrea Burckard Ivette Rothschild

Lenore Schulein Lynne Christman

Mary Christman Peter Sauer

Susan Shender Tom & Jennifer Hillman

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.